Plastic surgery is no longer just for the rich and famous.

There was a time when plastic surgery was considered to be the easy way out. It was the one topic many women didn’t talk about when and if they made the decision to have plastic surgery procedures done. It was kept quiet because women, especially black women, did not want to be ridiculed about their decision. Plastic surgery is no longer just available to the rich and famous or limited to celebrities. In fact, it has become more common and acceptable and less taboo. Plastic surgery is more accessible and more practical than ever before.

Social media has emboldened millennials to speak and share candidly about what was once considered an anathema to the temple, especially for such vain reasons as looking sexy or beautiful. Times changed very quickly as celebrities began to be very vocal about their plastic surgery stories. People began to share their positive experiences and various ways plastic surgery improved their lives, including positive effects on self-esteem.

After many years of feeling ashamed, people finally feel free to say they’ve had work done on their bodies.